Membership criteria

Membership to ACN is open to all consulting companies and individual management consultants who in addition to the provisions of Article 14, par. 1 fulfil the following minimum criteria:

For company members

  1. Presence at the consultancy market for at least two years.
  2. Annual turnover equal to at least 10 000 Euro per year in the two years preceding the application for membership.
  3. References from at least 2 clients / projects with contact persons and contact data.
  4. Consent to the Statute and the Code of Ethics of ACN.

For individual members

  1. At least five year proved relevant professional experience.
  2. Annual incomes from consulting activities equal to at least 5 000 Euro per year in the two years preceding the application for membership.
  3. References from at least 3 clients / projects / employers with contact persons and contact data.
  4. Consent to the Statute and the Code of Ethics of ACN.

The Managing Board may in the best interests of ACN and as an exception decide to affiliate members, who do not comply with the minimum criteria, set in this document.

Membership criteria are applied both to the affiliation of new applicants and the continuation of membership.

Each year the Secretary General performs a review of the members against the membership criteria, up-to-date dues payments, and communications activity/responsiveness. Based upon this review, the Managing Board is charged to come to an assessment and recommendation for each member’s status. In case a member did not comply with the minimum membership criteria over the year preceding the review, the Managing Board may or may not propose a suspension of membership. The decision shall be taken on a case-by-case base and in the best interest of ACN and the members.